Portable Travel Lamp

CN Specials

Crigler Product
The intensity is easy adjustable on each panel from 0 till 100%
(max. 180 MicroWatt/cm2/nm).

Control panel

CN Trolley Lamp
independent LED panels, each with their own power supply.
100 - 240VAC, 50/60Hz.
Rolling stand, height electrical adjustment.

CN Bedhouse Boxspring
Blue light elicited a higher oxidative stress reaction that signicantly differed between exposure to mixed green / blue.

For better and safer treatment we use a mix of Blue and Green light to reduce Oxidative Stress & increase efficiency (see study: Mixed color phototherapy)

CN Special Playhouse
Playhouse for day treatment

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Height adjustable rolling stand, to avoid high construction costs.

Get in touch with us


Phone + 31 (0)73 - 5111 692
Email info@dutchmt.com


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