Our Company
DMT is a Dutch company, specialized in development and production of phototherapy devices for neonatus, Crigler Najjar & psoriasis patients. For more than 10 years, we have worked together with scientists and University Hospitals to create a more safer bililamp, the INFANTULUS.
Already many years the American Academy of Pediatrics warns for the adverse clinical effects of too much Blue light (> 30 microW/cm2/nm for preterms & > 65 microW/cm2/nm for terms).
Most bililamp manufacturers find still the answer for better treatment in increasing the light intensity.
We found the solution in a more safer way:
- mix of Blue and Green light to reduce Oxidative Stress & increase efficiency (see study: Mixed color phototherapy)
- add Red light (creates ‘white’ light), so it can prevent or alleviate headaches and nausea to medical personnel, parents and other patients
- The use of this mixed light source does not interfere with visual assessment of the neonate’s color
- the light only reaches the intended patient and not the other patients in the room
- use of Aluminum frame without fans to create a cold lamp that is extremely durable
- the lamp can be used directly on top of an incubator (does not heat up or make noise)
- the INFANTULUS is designed to be used under an incubator cover.
- 3 light positions (very easy to handle, without the need to use additional lamps or phototherapy blankets)
- warranty of 5 years
- expected lamp life is 60.000 hours
- extremely low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
Together, we make the difference